Keeping the Main Thing, the Main Thing!


Being a salesman for life, let me begin with a question, “When the world around you is good, how are YOU feeling inside?”  How about when the world around you is bad?

I ask you to reflect on the following thought.  The impact of the very same world conditions will effect my outlook of the world (good or bad) based on how “I” feel in moment I am having the experience.

There are many layers to this topic. For this posting I want to ask you to think about where the power is in the “Buying” exchange?  Drum roll please!  At the end of the day, the only world view that is important is that of my customer.  In the exchange between the salesman and the customer, I don’t “Sell”; My customer makes the decision to “Buy”.  In terms of solving a problem, I don’t “Do” anything; I help my Customer “Do” something!

I encourage you to take a look at your written correspondence.  If you have the opportunity to record a conversation, consider doing so.  If you are open to the idea, make a conscious effort to use the word “YOU” as often as you can.  If you need to use the word “I” or “My” look for a way to connect it to “Help You”.

This exercise requires constant vigilance! I believe it’s worth the effort.

Remember, at the end of the day my customer does not care about me or my product. The only thing my customer cares about is how “she is going to meet her need”.  My job, as I see it, is to fully understand what that need is and to earn the opportunity to help her meet it.

Your Salesman for Life!


Quote on my mind:
“Those things that are most personal, are most general.”

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